Sadly it has been very quiet around the site for the last three years.
When I first came to Kamloops my ambition was to do everything: disciple, husband, father, lead pastor, and so forth, but it seems my ambition far exceeded my capacity.
But to be fair, no one saw a global pandemic coming, did they? I've been on the struggle bus the last eighteen months trying to sort out which way was up and how to lead a community through the challenge of COVID-19.
So here is the big announcement: after three years of leadership, growth, and learning how to be a Lead Pastor, I am excited to return to writing.
My goals are going to be small and achievable (throughout this past season, I am learning to be kind to myself). So I'll start by writing a post a week or so on subjects that interest me: theology, culture, leadership, books, family, or whatever else seems to be on my mind that week.
I haven't been writing because I don't consider myself a writer. Some of my best friends are published authors and are fantastic writers. To put it mildly, I feel a bit intimidated.
Tim, a friend of mine, recently talked about identity in a sermon. He said that in the same way Paul saw himself as a servant, we also need to identify ourselves as a servant. He mentioned that cognitive experts advise that attaching to yourself certain titles (writer, servant, athlete) reinforces that in your mind.
So, let me try this:
Hi, my name is Chris Throness and I am a writer. Welcome to my website.
I may not be a great one, but I am committed to getting better.
So check back here as you wish.
I don't have an email list so you won't get an email with new posts. Heck, I don't even have a Facebook account to spam your feed with anymore.
So for those faithful few, thanks for checking back.
I hope I can add some value to your already busy life.